P.M.I Of The Term

Welcome Back
Today i am going to tell you my P.M.I about this term!

P: That in Winter Sports I scored my first goal againsted one of the hardest team!
That we had global play day and I got a doll named D.J. for it and we did her hair and costumes!
But the best thing is... I get to do ballet for 8 days in a row!!!!!

M: My minus for this term is that i got a really bad crop and it is stil ongoing! I was off for like ever.
Another minus is that Liliana and I are never in the same Maths class wahhhhhhhh  PLZ MR GRANT DO THAT!

I: My Intersting is that when we are on assembly Mr Grant always tells us on the day of when we are on it?! so then we can not tell our Mums and Dads to come! WHY MR GRANT!?


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