Don, The Eel Man

 Hello There 

Today at 11 o'clock Don came to OLA and gave us some information about Eels i made 2 pages of information in only 45 minutes!

Eels teeth are actually backwards that's weird ahe. You can put your hand in easily but it will not come out!

 The biggest Eel that was ever caught was 2 metres long  here is a pic :)

 Link of Don's Biggest Eel Photo

So it is pretty big!

So if you want to help the Eels they like:

  • Tree bits 
  • Pipes 
  • Sticks
  • And Dead Bugs
And here is a pic of Don

 Did you know that when you look at eels you might think they have horns sticking up but thats actually there nostrils!
There is 3 types of Eels in New Zealand try and guess them before i show you

  • Long Fin
  • Short Fin
  • Australian Long Fin
This is how you tell the diffrence between the Australian Long Fin and Long Fin Eel the Aurstralian Long Fin has spots on his back and the Long Fin does not.
Eel's hunt there food by

Thank You (once again) 
For Reading my blog!

By Keira  


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